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We Believe....

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Jonathan Chavez for Congress: Candidate for Georgia's 13th Congressional District

Change for the Better

Jonathan Chavez is here to pave the way to change in the lives of our families. Here you will find everything you need to know about Jonathan Chavez and why he wants to enter into politics, as well as issues he is deeply concerned with, and how you too can join his cause.

Vote for Change with Jonathan Chavez

I am an advocate for Fair Tax.  We need to repeal our current tax system and abolish income tax.

Join me in Creating a Stronger Future

Issues & Political Concerns

Time for Change

Jonathan Chavez upholds many core values, one of them being the fight for justice where it is needed. We need to live in a society where people do not merely support change, but fight for it. Read on to learn more of the issues facing Jonathan Chavez and how he plans to overcome them.
























Proud to pledge my support to the term limits bill introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz, his colleagues, and U.S. House Representative Ralph Norman



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Endorsed by the Police Benevolent Association of Georgia

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Endorsed by Georgia Right to Life

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Woman & Doctor

We Believe...
In Medical Autonomy

Jonathan Chavez is truly passionate about this issue, as it is one that impacts so many people all over the world. It seems that in today's political climate, many politicians are holding their citizens captive by forcing experimental vaccines.  I believe that Americans should have the choice to determine what they want to inject or not inject into their bodies.  This discussion should be determined with the citizen and their primary doctor to determine the best choice in their plan of care.  Politicians should not enforce blanket mandates that could harm many Americans because they could have contraindications to the vaccine.  

We Believe...
In Protecting Our Freedoms

Jonathan Chavez is proud to support and push for change throughout the community. This is a very serious issue that has been impacting civilians worldwide. What we are seeing is politicians violating the constitution in order to push a political agenda.  It is up to Jonathan Chavez to address this issue head on, and rally the support needed to make the proper change. Americans live in the land of the free and if we are to keep it free, we need to enact change now before it is too late.   If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Sunset on the Beach
School Bus & Children

We Believe...
Education Can Be Better

This particular issue has been increasingly gaining coverage all over the world. Why exactly?  Today politicians are taking parents out of the decision making process.  They are voting for programs such as critical race theory that only perpetuates racism in our society.  What the education system was designed for is to teach our children the basic fundamentals and that is what they need to be brought back to.  It is an issue that needs to be addressed, and heavily discussed among politicians, lobbyists, and congressmen alike. Jonathan Chavez is pushing for change, and is doing everything they can to see a brighter future. Learn more and join the cause today.

We Believe...
The Environment Can Be Better

Jonathan Chavez for Congress is proud to support and push for change throughout the community. This is a very serious issue that has been impacting civilians worldwide. The current plan we see only bankrupts our system without the cost benefit that we need now.  Politicians are focused on current trends but they need to look at actual impacts that help, and not what is popular.  What we have seen are states that implement alternative energy only to have its citizens pay the price for the lack of energy supplied.  It is up to Jonathan Chavez to address this issue head on, and rally the support needed to make the proper change. If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Lake View

We Believe...
in Immigration Reform

This particular issue has been increasingly gaining coverage all over the world. Why exactly? It is an issue that needs to be addressed, and heavily discussed among politicians, lobbyists, and congressmen alike.  We have Democrats that have opened up our borders to an unsafe environment.  This is also leading to the economic decline that many Americans and future Americans who are going through the legal process for citizenship are paying the price for.  Jonathan Chavez is pushing for change, and is doing everything they can to see a brighter future. Learn more and join the cause today.

We Believe...
The Economy Can Be Better

Jonathan Chavez is truly passionate about this issue, as it is one that impacts so many people all over the world. What we are seeing is a massive increase in gas prices, inflation that we have not seen in over 40 years and is still rising.  Americans hold this issue close to their heart, working day in and day out only to find that our current leaders have led us down a path to economic destruction. Every policy that has been implemented in the last year has made our nation worse.  Jonathan Chavez aims to maintain balance within the political system, and will keep pushing until the correct balance is reached.

Dollar Bills
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